From ASMR to Zaddy: 30 Internet Terms Defined for the Digital Immigrant

The internet has given birth to a whole new language, one that’s constantly evolving and can be pretty confusing for those who didn’t grow up with it. If you’ve ever scratched your head at terms like “sliding into DMs” or wondered what on earth a “cheugy” is, you’re not alone. Every day, new words and phrases pop up online, spreading like wildfire across social media and leaving many of us feeling a bit lost in translation.

In this list, I break down 30 of the most common and quirky internet terms you might come across. From the soothing sounds of ASMR to the calm confidence of a zaddy, I’ve got you covered.


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ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It refers to a tingling sensation some people feel when they hear certain soft or repetitive sounds. Many videos on YouTube feature people whispering, tapping, or making gentle noises to trigger this feeling. Some find ASMR relaxing and use it to help them sleep or reduce stress.


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Binge-watching means watching many episodes of a TV show in one sitting. It became popular when streaming services started releasing entire seasons at once. Some people enjoy spending a whole weekend watching their favorite series. Others worry that binge-watching can be unhealthy if done too often.


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Clickbait is content with a catchy title that tricks people into clicking on it. These titles often make big promises or use shocking words to get attention. The actual content usually doesn’t live up to the hype of the title. Many people find clickbait annoying and misleading.


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Doomscrolling is the habit of continuously scrolling through bad news on social media or news sites. People often do this even though it makes them feel anxious or depressed. The term gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic when many people were constantly checking for updates. It’s important to be aware of this habit and take breaks from negative news.


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Emojis are small pictures used in text messages and online. They help show emotions or ideas quickly. There are hundreds of different emojis, from simple smiley faces to complex scenes. People often use emojis to make their messages friendlier or clearer.


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FOMO stands for “Fear of Missing Out.” It’s the anxiety people feel when they think exciting things are happening without them. Social media can make FOMO worse by showing people what their friends are doing. This feeling can lead to constantly checking phones and feeling left out. It’s important to remember that social media only shows part of the picture.


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Ghosting is when someone suddenly cuts off all communication with another person without explanation. It often happens in dating situations but can occur in friendships too. The person who’s been ghosted is left wondering what happened. While it’s an easy way to avoid conflict, many consider ghosting to be rude and hurtful.


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A hashtag is a word or phrase with a # sign in front of it. It helps group posts about the same topic on social media. People use hashtags to join conversations or make their posts easier to find. Some hashtags become very popular and spread quickly across the internet.


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An influencer is someone with a large following on social media who can affect others’ buying decisions. They often work with brands to promote products to their followers. Influencers can be found on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. While some people see influencing as an easy job, it often requires a lot of work to build and maintain a following.


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A meme is a funny image, video, or text that spreads quickly online. People often change memes slightly to make new jokes. Memes can be about anything, from current events to silly cat pictures. They’re a big part of internet culture and humor.


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Phishing is when scammers try to trick people into giving away personal information. They might send fake emails that look real to get passwords or credit card numbers. It’s important to be careful about what links you click and what information you share online. Many companies have systems to catch phishing attempts, but some still get through.


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A podcast is like a radio show you can listen to anytime. There are podcasts about almost every topic imaginable. People often listen to podcasts while doing other things, like driving or cleaning. Some podcasts are made by big companies, while others are created by regular people in their homes.


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A selfie is a photo you take of yourself, usually with a smartphone. People take selfies to share on social media or remember special moments. Some phones have special cameras just for taking good selfies. While selfies can be fun, some worry that they make people too focused on looks.


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An internet troll is someone who posts mean or annoying comments to upset others. Trolls often say things they don’t really believe just to start arguments. Many online communities have rules against trolling. It’s usually best to ignore trolls instead of arguing with them.


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When something goes viral, it spreads quickly across the internet. This could be a funny video, a catchy song, or an interesting story. Things often go viral through social media sharing. While going viral can bring fame, it can also cause problems if the content is embarrassing or private.


Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

A zaddy is an attractive older man who is fashionable and confident. The term is often used on social media to describe celebrities or public figures. It’s similar to “Silver Fox” but implies more style and charisma. The word has become popular in recent years, especially among younger internet users.


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Catfishing is when someone pretends to be someone else online. They might use fake photos or made-up stories about their life. Catfishing can happen in online dating or on social media. It’s important to be careful about trusting people you only know through the internet.


Image Credit: Karolina Kaboompics on Pexels

Crowdfunding is raising money by getting small amounts from many people. This is often done through websites where people can share their projects or needs. Crowdfunding has helped start businesses, make movies, and pay for medical bills. It’s a way for people to support causes they care about directly.


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Cyberbullying is when someone uses technology to be mean or harmful to others. This can include sending mean messages, sharing embarrassing photos, or excluding someone from online groups. Cyberbullying can be very hurtful because it can happen at any time. Many schools now have programs to teach about cyberbullying and how to stop it.

Digital Detox

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A digital detox is when someone takes a break from technology. This might mean turning off your phone for a day or staying away from social media for a week. People do digital detoxes to reduce stress and focus on real-life connections. It can be hard at first, but many find it helps them feel better.


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Facepalm is the act of putting your hand on your face in frustration or embarrassment. Online, people use it to show they think something is really dumb or disappointing. There’s even an emoji of a person facepalming. It’s a quick way to react to something without using words.


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A GIF is a short, looping video clip with no sound. People use GIFs in messages to show emotions or reactions. There are millions of GIFs online from TV shows, movies, and real life. Some people pronounce it with a hard G, while others say it with a soft G like “jif.”


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Bae is a term of endearment, short for “before anyone else.” People often use it to refer to their romantic partner or someone they have strong feelings for. It’s commonly used in text messages and on social media. The term became popular in the mid-2010s and is still widely used today.

Internet of Things (IoT)

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The Internet of Things refers to everyday objects connected to the Internet. This includes smart home devices like thermostats and door locks. IoT devices can make life easier by automating tasks. However, some worry about privacy and security with so many connected devices.


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A lurker is someone who reads online content but doesn’t post or comment. Many people lurk in forums or social media groups to learn information. Lurking isn’t bad – it’s a normal way to use the internet. Some lurkers eventually become active participants once they feel comfortable.

Humble brag

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A humble brag is when someone tries to show off while pretending to be modest. For example, someone might say, “I hate how my new car attracts so much attention.” The person is bragging about their car while acting like it’s a problem. People often use humble brags on social media to seek praise without seeming too boastful.


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Noob is short for “newbie,” meaning someone new to an activity or community. It’s often used in online gaming to describe inexperienced players. Some people use “noob” in a mean way, but others use it more kindly. Everyone is a noob at something when they first start.


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Photobombing is when someone unexpectedly appears in the background of a photo. This can be done on purpose as a joke or by accident. Photobombs often make pictures funnier or more interesting. Some animals have become famous for photobombing tourists.


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Streaming means watching videos or listening to music directly from the internet. Instead of downloading a whole file, you get small pieces as you watch or listen. Popular streaming services include Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube. Streaming has changed how many people enjoy entertainment.


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“Boujee” is short for bourgeois, meaning luxurious or upscale. It’s often used to describe something fancy or high-class, sometimes with a hint of judgment. For instance, “That new restaurant is too boujee for me.” The term became popular through hip-hop culture and social media. It can be used positively or negatively, depending on the context.

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Diana Tablan

Diana Tablan is a freelance content writer who loves to explore fun topics, but she’s particularly keen on writing travel and food blogs. During her free time, she enjoys reading and painting. While on other days, she spends them on learning other skills like cooking.

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