23 Little Known Facts That Will Make You Rethink Everything

This article is about to shake up your world with 23 mind-blowing facts you’ve probably never heard before. From everyday objects to historical events, these tidbits of information will make you see things in a whole new light. Get ready to question everything you thought you knew.

1. Bananas Are Berries, But Strawberries Aren’t

Image credit: Suzy Hazelwood/Pexels

Here’s a fact that might make you look at your fruit bowl differently. Bananas are actually classified as berries, while strawberries are not. In botanical terms, a berry is a fruit that develops from a single ovary of a flower. Bananas fit this description, but strawberries don’t because their seeds are on the outside. This weird classification also means that tomatoes and avocados are berries too. It just goes to show that sometimes, science doesn’t match what we see with our eyes!

2. Octopuses Have Three Hearts

Image credit: Pia B/Pexels

Octopuses are even cooler than you thought. These amazing sea creatures have not one, not two, but three hearts. Two of these hearts work to move blood beyond their gills, while the third keeps circulation flowing for the organs. This unique system helps them adapt to the deep, high-pressure waters they call home. It’s just one of the many things that make octopuses some of the most fascinating animals in the ocean.

3. The Eiffel Tower Can Grow Up To 6 Inches Taller In Summer

Image credit: Mikhail Nilov/Pexels

The famous Eiffel Tower in Paris has a little secret – it changes size with the seasons. The iron structure can grow up to 6 inches taller in the hot summer months. This happens because of thermal expansion – the metal expands when it’s heated. In winter, it shrinks back down to its normal size. So, if you visit Paris in different seasons, you might actually see a slightly different Eiffel Tower each time.

4. Honey Never Spoils

Image credit: Mareefe/Pexels

Here’s a sweet fact: Honey can last forever. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly good to eat. The secret is in honey’s unique chemical makeup. It’s very low in moisture and very high in sugar, which makes it impossible for bacteria or microorganisms to grow in it. So that jar of honey in your cupboard? It could outlast us all!

5. Humans Share 50% Of Their DNA With Bananas

Image credit: SHVETS production/Pexels

You might not think you have much in common with a banana, but you’d be wrong. Humans actually share about 50% of their DNA with these yellow fruits. This doesn’t mean we’re half-banana, though. It just shows that all living things on Earth are connected at a basic level. So next time you eat a banana, remember – you’re kind of eating a distant cousin!

6. A Day On Venus Is Longer Than Its Year

Image credit: Johan De Beer/Pexels

Venus, our closest planetary neighbor, has some weird time issues. A day on Venus (the time it takes for the planet to rotate once) is actually longer than its year (the time it takes to orbit the Sun). It takes Venus 243 Earth days to spin once on its axis, but only 225 Earth days to go around the Sun. Even weirder, Venus spins backwards compared to most other planets. Imagine if your birthday came around before your day even ended!

7. The Great Wall Of China Is Not Visible From Space

Image credit: Johannes Plenio/Pexels

You might have heard that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space, but that’s not true. In fact, it’s pretty hard to see from even low Earth orbit. Astronauts have reported that it’s actually easier to see things like roads and airports. The wall is just too narrow and blends in too well with the surrounding landscape. This doesn’t make it any less impressive, though – it’s still an amazing feat of engineering!

8. Cows Have Best Friends

Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

Cows are more social than you might think. Studies have shown that cows actually have best friends and get stressed when they’re separated. They form close bonds with other cows and prefer to spend time with their buddies. Cows with friends are also calmer and produce more milk. So next time you see a field of cows, remember – you might be looking at a group of best pals!

9. The World’s Oldest Known Living Thing Is 5,000 Years Old

Image credit: Lum3n/Pexels

In the White Mountains of California, there’s a tree that’s older than the pyramids. It’s a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine named Methuselah, and it’s about 5,000 years old. That means it started growing around the time writing was being invented! The exact location of Methuselah is kept secret to protect it. It’s amazing to think that one living thing has been around for so much of human history.

10. Squirrels Plant Thousands Of New Trees Each Year

Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

Squirrels are nature’s little gardeners. These furry creatures plant thousands of new trees every year without even knowing it. They do this by burying nuts and seeds for later, but then forgetting where they put some of them. These forgotten nuts and seeds often sprout and grow into new trees. So next time you see a squirrel in the park, remember – it’s not just being cute, it’s helping to keep our forests growing!

11. A Flamingo’s Knees Bend Backwards

Image credit: Len/Pexels

If you’ve ever looked closely at a flamingo, you might have noticed something odd about its legs. What looks like the flamingo’s knee actually bends backwards. But here’s the twist – that’s not really its knee! It’s actually the flamingo’s ankle. The real knee is up higher, hidden by feathers near the body. This unique leg structure helps flamingos stand on one leg for long periods and wade through water easily.

12. The First Oranges Weren’t Orange

Image credit: Dmitry Demidov/Pexels

Here’s a colorful fact that might surprise you: the first oranges weren’t orange at all. They were actually green! The original oranges came from Southeast Asia and were a tangerine-pomelo hybrid. They only became orange when they were grown in cooler climates. Even today, oranges in warmer parts of the world often stay green on the outside when ripe. So the fruit came before the color – in fact, the color orange is named after the fruit, not the other way around!

13. Butterflies Taste With Their Feet

Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

Butterflies have a pretty unusual way of tasting their food. They actually do it with their feet! Butterflies have taste receptors on their feet, which they use to test leaves before laying their eggs. This helps them make sure they’re putting their eggs on plants that their caterpillars will be able to eat. So when you see a butterfly landing on different plants, it’s not just resting – it’s taste-testing!

14. Humans Are The Only Animals That Blush

Image credit: HELDER/Pexels

Blushing is a uniquely human trait. No other animal turns red in the face when they’re embarrassed or shy. Scientists aren’t entirely sure why we blush, but some think it might be a way of showing honesty and submission to others. It’s an involuntary reaction that we can’t control, which makes it a reliable signal of our emotions. So next time you feel your cheeks getting warm, remember – you’re doing something no other animal can do!

15. A Group Of Flamingos Is Called A ‘Flamboyance’

Image credit: zoosnow/Pexels

Animal group names can be pretty fun, and flamingos have one of the best. A group of flamingos is called a ‘flamboyance.’ It’s a perfect name for these bright pink birds that often stand out in a crowd. Other fun animal group names include a ‘murder’ of crows, a ‘parliament’ of owls, and a ‘tower’ of giraffes. These names often reflect something about the animals’ appearance or behavior.

16. The Shortest War In History Lasted 38 Minutes

Image credit: MCK/Pexels

You might think wars last for years, but the shortest war in recorded history was over in less time than a TV show episode. It was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896. The conflict started when the sultan of Zanzibar died and a new one took over without British approval. Britain demanded a new sultan, Zanzibar refused, and Britain attacked. Zanzibar surrendered just 38 minutes later. It goes to show that sometimes, history happens in the blink of an eye!

17. The Unicorn Is Scotland’s National Animal

“Unicorn & Saltyre” by M McBey is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse.

You might think of unicorns as magical creatures from fairy tales, but in Scotland, they’re serious business. The unicorn is actually Scotland’s national animal. It’s been a Scottish symbol for centuries and appears on the country’s coat of arms. Of course, Scots don’t believe unicorns are real – the creature was chosen for its mythical qualities of purity and power. It just goes to show that sometimes, even countries can have a bit of magic in their symbols!

18. Humans Glow In The Dark

Image credit: Lucas Pezeta/Pexels

Believe it or not, humans actually glow in the dark! It’s just that our eyes aren’t sensitive enough to see it. This glow is about 1,000 times weaker than what our eyes can pick up. Scientists discovered this using super-sensitive cameras. The glow changes throughout the day, with faces glowing more in the late afternoon. This glow comes from chemical reactions in our cells. So in a way, we’re all secretly bioluminescent!

19. The Loudest Sound Ever Recorded Circled The Earth Four Times

“Gunung Anak Krakatau” by buitenzorger is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/?ref=openverse.

In 1883, a volcano called Krakatoa erupted in Indonesia. The sound was so loud that it circled the Earth four times! People 3,000 miles away reported hearing the explosion. It was like hearing a loud noise from New York while standing in San Francisco. The eruption was 310 decibels – for comparison, a jet engine is about 150 decibels. It’s the loudest sound ever recorded in history. Imagine a noise so big it could go around the world!

20. A Cloud Can Weigh Over A Million Pounds

Image credit: Magda Ehlers/Pexels

Clouds might look light and fluffy, but they’re actually incredibly heavy. An average cumulus cloud can weigh more than a million pounds! That’s as heavy as 100 elephants. Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals floating in the air. There are billions of these droplets in a single cloud, and all that water adds up. The reason clouds float despite their weight is that the air below them is even heavier.

21. The World’s Largest Desert Is In Antarctica

“Antarctica 2013: Journey to the Crystal Desert” by Christopher.Michel is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse.

When you think of deserts, you probably picture hot, sandy places. But the world’s largest desert is actually cold and icy. It’s Antarctica! A desert is defined by how little precipitation it gets, not by temperature. Antarctica gets very little snow or rain, making it the biggest desert on Earth. It covers about 5.5 million square miles – that’s bigger than the Sahara Desert! It just goes to show that nature can surprise us in unexpected ways.

22. Elephants Are The Only Mammals That Can’t Jump

Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

Elephants are amazing animals, but there’s one thing they can’t do – jump. They’re the only mammals that are physically unable to jump. This is because of their weight and the way their legs are built. Elephants’ legs are designed more for support than for propelling them into the air. But don’t feel bad for them – they can still run, swim, and even stand on their back legs when they need to reach high branches.

23. There’s A Place On Earth Where The Sun Doesn’t Set For 76 Days

Image credit: Francesco Ungaro/Pexels

In Svalbard, Norway, the sun doesn’t set for 76 days straight in the summer. This phenomenon is called the “midnight sun.” It happens because of the Earth’s tilt and Svalbard’s location near the North Pole. During this time, it’s light 24 hours a day. But there’s a trade-off – in the winter, Svalbard has 110 days of complete darkness! Imagine having daylight all day and night for months, and then not seeing the sun at all for even longer. It’s a place where the seasons are truly extreme!

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Image Credit:  Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

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Image Credit: Surface on Unsplash

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Image Credit: Lisa Fotios from Pexels

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Victoria Omololu

Victoria Omololu is a fashionista exploring the world on a budget. She co-founded Only Earthlings in 2023 to show her travels in North America, Europe, Africa, and everywhere else. Victoria loves writing about travel tips, itineraries, packing guides, and taking photography from all over the world.

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