Cats have a reputation for being aloof and independent, but any true cat lover knows that’s not always the case. In fact, many cats form strong bonds with their parents.
For this blog, I’ve put together a list of 21 signs that show you might be your cat’s favorite person.
The Tail Hug

When your cat wraps its tail around your leg or arm, it’s like a kitty hug. This is a sign of affection and trust. It’s your cat’s way of marking you as their territory and showing others that you belong to them. If your cat does this often, you’re definitely high on their list of favorite humans.
Head Bunting
If your cat bumps their head against you, congratulations! This is called “bunting” and it’s a big sign of affection. Cats have scent glands on their heads, so they’re actually marking you as their own. It’s like they’re saying, “You’re mine, and I want everyone to know it!”
The Slow Blink
Cat experts call this the “cat kiss.” When your cat looks at you and slowly blinks, it shows that it trusts you completely. Try slow blinking back at them—it’s a great way to communicate love in cat language. If your cat does this often, you’re definitely their favorite.
Bringing You “Gifts”
Finding a dead mouse on your doorstep might not seem like a gift, but in cat world, it is. When your cat brings you toys or (unfortunately) dead animals, they’re trying to take care of you. They see you as family and want to make sure you’re well-fed. It’s a bit gross, but also very sweet!
Following You Everywhere
If your cat follows you from room to room like a furry shadow, it really enjoys your company. It wants to be part of whatever you’re doing, even if it’s just watching you brush your teeth. This behavior shows that your cat feels safe and happy around you.
Kneading You
When your cat pushes their paws in and out against you, they’re showing contentment. This behavior starts when they’re kittens nursing from their mother. If your adult cat does this to you, they see you as a source of comfort and safety. It’s a high compliment in the cat world!
Showing You Their Belly
A cat’s belly is its most vulnerable spot. If your cat rolls over and shows you its tummy, it trusts you completely. Be careful, though—not all cats want their bellies rubbed. Some just want to show you they trust you. Either way, it’s a big sign of affection.
Sleeping On You
Cats are most vulnerable when they’re sleeping. If your cat chooses to nap on your lap, chest, or next to you in bed, they feel super safe with you. They’re basically saying, “I trust you to keep me safe while I sleep.”
The Welcome Home Meow
Does your cat have a special meow just for when you come home? That’s their way of saying, “I missed you!” Cats often have different vocalizations for their favorite humans. If your cat greets you with a special sound, you’re definitely their number one.
Grooming You
When your cat licks your hand or face, they’re treating you like another cat. Grooming is a social behavior for cats. It’s how they show affection to their family members. If your cat tries to groom you, they see you as part of their cat family.
Sitting On Your Stuff
Find your cat sitting on your laptop, book, or the newspaper you’re trying to read? They’re not trying to annoy you – they just want to be part of what you’re doing. They might also be mixing their scent with yours. Either way, it shows they want your attention and to be close to you.
The Elevator Butt
When you pet your cat and they raise their rear end, that’s a good sign! It means they’re enjoying your pets and want more. This “elevator butt” is a sign of happiness and trust. Not all cats do this, so if yours does, you’re definitely a favorite.
Chattering At You
Some cats make a chattering or chirping sound when they’re excited, often when they see birds outside. If your cat makes these sounds at you, they’re sharing their excitement. It’s like they’re saying, “Look at this cool thing with me!”
The Nose Boop
If your cat gently touches their nose to yours, that’s a big sign of affection. Cats use their sense of smell to recognize friends and family. By touching noses, they’re checking in with you and saying hello in a very cat-like way.
Hanging Out In Your Room
Cats like to be in places that smell like their favorite people. If your cat spends a lot of time in your bedroom or home office, it’s because your scent makes them feel safe and happy. They might even sleep on your pillow when you’re not there, just to be surrounded by your smell.
The Paw On Your Face
Waking up to a cat paw on your face might seem rude, but it’s actually a sign of affection. Your cat is checking if you’re awake and asking for attention. They want to start their day with you. While it might not be your favorite alarm clock, it shows your cat values time with you.
Purring Around You
Cats purr for many reasons, but one is to show contentment. If your cat purrs a lot when they’re near you, especially when you pet them, they’re showing they feel happy and relaxed in your presence.
The Flop And Roll
When your cat flops down and rolls around in front of you, they’re showing they feel completely safe. This is a vulnerable position for a cat, so they only do it around those they trust. It’s also an invitation for attention. Your cat is saying, “Look how cute I am! Pay attention to me!”
Sitting On Your Shoulder
If your cat likes to perch on your shoulder like a parrot, they really trust your balance! This behavior shows they want to be close to you and see things from your perspective. It’s also a way for them to be tall and survey their kingdom. If your cat does this, you’re their favorite tree!
The Slow Approach With Tail Up
When a cat approaches with their tail straight up, it’s a friendly greeting. If your cat does this when they see you, they’re happy you’re there. The upright tail is like a cat’s way of waving hello. If the tip of the tail is slightly curved or quivering, that’s an extra sign of happiness.
Choosing You Over Food
Cats love food, so if your cat sometimes chooses attention from you over their meal, that’s a big deal. It means they value your company even more than eating. This doesn’t happen often, so if your cat has ever picked cuddles with you over dinner, you’re definitely their favorite human!
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