19 Early Warning Signs of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a serious health issue that affects millions of people. The tricky part is that it often doesn’t show clear signs until it’s pretty far along. That’s why knowing the early warning signs is so important. Here is a list of 19 signs that might mean your kidneys need some attention.

1. Fatigue

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Feeling very tired all the time can be a sign of kidney problems. Healthy kidneys make a hormone that helps produce red blood cells. When kidneys are sick, you might not have enough of these cells, leading to anemia and fatigue. If you’re always exhausted, even after sleeping, it’s worth checking out.

2. Changes in urination

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Your pee can tell you a lot about your kidney health. You might need to pee more often, especially at night. The color of your pee might change, becoming very dark or very pale. You might also see blood in your pee or feel a burning sensation when you go.

3. Swelling

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When kidneys aren’t working well, they can’t remove extra fluid from your body. This can cause swelling in your hands, feet, ankles, or face. You might notice your shoes feeling tight or rings not fitting like they used to. This swelling is called edema and shouldn’t be ignored.

4. Skin rash or itching

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Kidney disease can cause waste to build up in your blood. This can make your skin dry and itchy. You might notice a rash or feel the need to scratch a lot. Lotions might not help much if this itching is due to kidney problems.

5. Metallic taste in mouth

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Kidney issues can cause a build-up of waste in your blood. This can make food taste different or leave a metallic taste in your mouth. You might lose your appetite or find that meat doesn’t taste good anymore. These changes in taste can lead to weight loss.

6. Nausea and vomiting

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When your kidneys can’t filter waste properly, it can make you feel sick to your stomach. You might feel nauseous or even throw up. This can happen in the morning or after eating. If you often feel queasy for no clear reason, it could be your kidneys.

7. Shortness of breath

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Trouble catching your breath can be linked to kidney disease in two ways. First, extra fluid in your body can build up in your lungs. Second, anemia (low red blood cell count) can leave you short of breath. If you’re often out of breath, especially after little activity, talk to a doctor.

8. Feeling cold all the time

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Healthy kidneys help make a hormone that tells your body to make red blood cells. Without enough of these cells, you might feel cold even when it’s warm. You might notice you need more blankets than others or can’t warm up easily. This could be a sign of kidney-related anemia.

9. Dizziness and trouble concentrating

Image Credit: Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

When your kidneys aren’t working right, it can affect how your brain works. You might feel dizzy or have trouble focusing. This can happen because of anemia or build-up of waste in your blood. If you often feel “foggy” or off-balance, it’s worth checking out.

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10. High blood pressure

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Your kidneys play a big role in controlling your blood pressure. When they’re not working well, your blood pressure can go up. High blood pressure can also cause kidney damage, so it’s a two-way problem. Regular blood pressure checks are important for kidney health.

11. Puffy eyes

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Kidney problems can cause protein to leak into your urine. This can lead to puffiness around your eyes, especially in the morning. You might notice your eyes look more swollen than usual. This puffiness often goes down during the day but comes back each morning.

12. Foamy urine

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If your pee looks foamy or bubbly, it might mean there’s protein in it. Healthy kidneys keep protein in your body, but damaged ones let it slip into your urine. If you see foam that requires several flushes to go away, it’s time to talk to a doctor.

13. Poor appetite

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Kidney disease can make you feel less hungry. This happens because of how it affects your body’s use of nutrients. You might not feel like eating much, or food might not taste good. Losing weight without trying can be a sign of kidney problems.

14. Muscle cramps

Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

When your kidneys aren’t balancing minerals in your blood properly, you might get muscle cramps. These often happen in your legs. The cramps can be painful and happen more at night. If you’re getting frequent, unexplained cramps, it could be your kidneys.

15. Dry and itchy skin

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As kidney disease gets worse, it can make your skin very dry and itchy. This happens because your kidneys can’t keep the right balance of minerals and nutrients in your blood. Moisturizers might not help much. If your skin is always itchy, especially all over your body, tell your doctor.

16. Trouble sleeping

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Kidney disease can make it hard to sleep well. You might have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. This can be due to various factors like restless legs, sleep apnea, or the need to pee often at night. Poor sleep can make your kidney problems worse, so it’s important to address.

17. Hiccups that won’t go away

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Strange as it sounds, long-lasting hiccups can be a sign of kidney disease. This happens when waste builds up in your blood, affecting your nerves. If you have hiccups that last for hours or keep coming back, it’s worth mentioning to your doctor.

18. Ammonia breath

Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

When your kidneys can’t filter waste properly, it can affect how your breath smells. You might notice your breath smells like ammonia (a strong, chemical-like smell). This is called uremic breath and can be a sign of advanced kidney disease. If your breath often smells odd, get it checked out.

19. Easily bruising

Image Credit: Markus Spiske from Unsplash

Kidney disease can affect your blood’s ability to clot normally. This might make you bruise more easily than usual. You might notice bruises appearing without remembering bumping into anything. If you’re bruising easily and often, it could be a sign of kidney problems.

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Mary Apurong

Mary Apurong is an experienced editor and ghostwriter who enjoys writing and reading. She loves researching topics related to life and creating content on quotes, gardening, food, travel, crafts, and DIY. Mary spends her free time doing digital art and watching documentaries.

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