Ever wonder why your cat does those weird things? You’re not alone! Cats have been living with us for ages, but they still manage to surprise us with their quirky habits. From midnight zoomies to strange meows, our feline friends are full of mystery.
In this article, I discuss 15 mind-blowing facts about cat behavior that are sure to teach you something new.
Cats can’t taste sweetness

Unlike humans, cats can’t taste sweet things. Their taste buds are different from ours and don’t pick up on sugar. This is why your cat doesn’t care about your candy or ice cream. Their meat-eating nature means they’re more interested in savory and salty flavors.
Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping
If your cat seems lazy, that’s normal! Cats sleep for about 16 hours a day. This comes from their wild cat ancestors, who needed to save energy for hunting. Even house cats keep this habit. So don’t worry if your cat is snoozing most of the day.
A group of cats is called a “clowder”
We know a group of dogs is a pack, but did you know a group of cats is a clowder? This weird word comes from old English. You might also hear a group of cats called a glaring, especially if they’re unfriendly looking!
Cats can make over 100 different sounds
Dogs might bark, but cats are the real noise champs. They can make over 100 different sounds, while dogs only make about 10. Cats meow, purr, chirp, chatter, hiss, and more. Each sound means something different, like they’re hungry, happy, or want attention.
A cat’s nose print is unique, like a human fingerprint
Just like how no two human fingerprints are the same, no two cat nose prints are alike. Each cat’s nose has a unique pattern of bumps and ridges. Some pet ID systems even use nose prints to identify lost cats. Next time your cat boops you, remember it’s with their one-of-a-kind nose!
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Cats can’t see directly under their noses
Cats have great eyesight, but there’s one blind spot under their nose. They can’t see anything that’s about 4-6 inches in front of them. That’s why your cat might not see the treat right in front of their face. They rely on their whiskers and sense of smell to find close-up things.
Male cats are usually left-pawed, females are usually right-pawed
Just like humans can be right or left-handed, cats have a preferred paw. Interestingly, it often depends on their sex. About 75% of male cats are left-pawed, while about 75% of female cats are right-pawed. Watch your cat play to see which paw they use more!
Cats can jump up to 6 times their length
Cats are amazing jumpers. They can leap about 6 times their own body length. For a 2-foot long cat, that’s a 12-foot jump! This skill comes from their strong back legs and flexible spine. It’s why your cat can easily hop onto high shelves or counters.
A cat’s hearing is better than a dog’s
Cats have super hearing powers. They can hear higher-pitched sounds than both dogs and humans. A cat’s ear has 32 muscles that help them turn their ears like satellite dishes. This great hearing helps them catch prey and know when you’re opening a can of food from far away!
Cats don’t meow at other cats, just humans
Adult cats don’t usually meow at each other. They save their meows for humans! Kittens meow to their mothers, but grown cats only use it to talk to people. So when your cat meows at you, they’re using a special language just for you.
A cat’s whiskers are the same width as its body
A cat’s whiskers aren’t just for looks. They’re the same width as the cat’s body and help the cat know if it can fit through tight spaces. Whiskers are super sensitive and help cats sense their surroundings. That’s why you should never trim a cat’s whiskers.
Cats can’t see in total darkness
Many people think cats can see in the dark, but that’s not quite true. Cats need some light to see, just much less than humans. Their eyes gather more light than ours, making them great at seeing in dim light. But in total darkness, they’re as blind as we are.
Cats have a third eyelid
If you look closely, you might see a thin, clear eyelid in the corner of your cat’s eye. This is called the nictitating membrane or “third eyelid.” It helps protect the eye and keeps it moist. Most of the time you can’t see it, but if your cat is sick, it might be more visible.
A cat’s purr can heal bones and muscles
Cat purrs aren’t just cute, they’re healing! The frequency of a cat’s purr can help heal bones and muscles. It can also lower stress and blood pressure. Some scientists think cats purr to heal themselves when they’re hurt or stressed. So when your cat purrs on your lap, you’re both getting health benefits!
Cats can’t move their jaw sideways
Unlike humans, cats can’t move their jaws from side to side. Their jaws only move up and down. This is why cats can’t chew their food like we do. Instead, they use their sharp teeth to tear their food into small pieces they can swallow. It’s also why they might struggle with certain types of cat food or treats.
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