Our feline friends have their own special ways of talking to us, and it’s not always with meows. From head bumps to tail twitches, cats use all sorts of signals to get their point across. The trick is knowing what to look for.
In this article, I’ll uncover 10 surprising signs that your cat is trying to tell you something. Whether you’re a new cat owner or you’ve had kitties for years, these clues might just change how you see your furry friend’s behavior.
Slow Blinking
When your cat looks at you and blinks slowly, it’s like a kitty kiss. This is a sign that your cat trusts you and feels safe. If you slow blink back, you’re telling your cat you love them too. It’s a great way to bond with your furry friend without any touching.
Tail Positions
Your cat’s tail is like a mood ring. A tail straight up with a little hook at the end means they’re happy to see you. A puffed-up tail means they’re scared or angry. A gently swishing tail often means they’re focused on something, like a toy. Watching your cat’s tail can tell you a lot about how they’re feeling.
Bringing You “Gifts”
If your cat brings you dead mice or toys, don’t get grossed out. They’re actually trying to take care of you! In the wild, mother cats teach their kittens to hunt by bringing them prey. Your cat sees you as family and wants to ensure you can hunt, too. It’s their way of showing love, even if it’s a bit yucky for us.
When your cat bumps their head against you, it’s called “bunting.” This is a big compliment in cat language. They’re marking you with their scent to say you’re part of their family. It also means they trust you and feel safe with you. Next time your cat headbutts you, feel free to gently bump them back!
Does your cat sometimes push their paws in and out on soft things, like blankets or your lap? This is called kneading or “making biscuits.” Kittens do this to their mom to get milk, and adult cats keep doing it when they feel happy and safe. If your cat kneads on you, it means they’re super comfortable and content.
Showing Their Belly
A cat showing you their belly doesn’t always mean they want a tummy rub. In cat language, exposing the belly is a sign of trust because it’s a vulnerable spot. Some cats enjoy belly rubs, but others might scratch if you touch their tummy. Either way, a cat showing its belly means they feel safe around you.
Chattering at Birds
Have you heard your cat make a weird chattering sound while watching birds? Scientists aren’t sure exactly why cats do this. Some think it’s excitement or frustration because they can’t catch the bird. Others think it might be a reflex action related to the killing bite. Whatever the reason, it shows your cat is in full hunting mode!
Sitting in Small Spaces
If your cat tries to squeeze into tiny boxes or small spaces, they’re not just being silly. Cats feel safe in snug spots because it reminds them of being in a den. In the wild, small spaces protect them from predators. So if your cat is sitting in a box, they’re telling you they feel a bit stressed and need some quiet time.
Adult cats don’t usually meow at each other – they save their meows for humans! Different meows can mean different things. A short meow might be a hello, while a long, loud meow could mean they’re upset about something. Pay attention to when and how your cat meows, and you’ll start to understand what they’re telling you.
Rubbing Against You
When your cat rubs their face or body against you, they’re not just being cuddly. They’re actually marking you with their scent. Cats have scent glands on their faces, paws, and sides. By rubbing on you, they’re saying “This human belongs to me!” It’s a sign of affection and ownership in cat language.
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